%0 Journal Article %T 0.05%环孢素滴眼液在干眼治疗中的价值
The Value of 0.05% Cyclosporin Eye Drops in the Treatment of Dry Eyes %A 吴炜纲 %A 邢冬霞 %A 杨雪莉 %J Hans Journal of Ophthalmology %P 108-111 %@ 2167-6550 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJO.2023.123015 %X 干眼是一种慢性眼表炎症疾病,主要表现为眼部异物感、干燥感、烧灼感,伴有畏光、视物模糊等眼部不适症状,中重度干眼对日常生活和工作会有严重影响,严重时甚至会引起患者抑郁、焦虑、失眠等精神问题,传统的干眼治疗方法如人工泪液、非甾体类抗炎药等对症处理后效果有限,因此,寻找行之有效的治疗显得尤为重要。该综述主要就0.05%环孢素滴眼液治疗干眼的作用机制和临床应用进行详细阐述。
Dry eye is an inflammatory disease of the ocular surface, mainly characterized by foreign body sensation, dryness, burning sensation in the eyes, accompanied by symptoms such as photophobia and blurred vision. Moderate to severe dry eye can have a serious impact on daily life and work, and even cause mental problems such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia in patients. Therefore, effective treatment is particularly important. This review focuses on the mechanism and clinical application of 0.05% cyclosporin eye drops in the treatment of dry eyes. %K 干眼,环孢素滴眼液,作用机制,临床应用
Dry Eye Disease %K Cyclosporin Eye Drops %K Action Mechanism %K Clinical Application %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=71573