%0 Journal Article %T TurboID Proximity Labeling of a Protocadherin Protein to Characterize Interacting Protein Complex %A Chenyu Wang %A Laidong Yu %J American Journal of Molecular Biology %P 213-226 %@ 2161-6663 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ajmb.2023.134015 %X The study of the neuron has always been a fundamental aspect when it came to studying mental illnesses such as autism and depression. The protein protocadherin-9 (PCDH9) is an important transmembrane protein in the development of the neuron synapse. Hence, research on its protein interactome is key to understanding its functionality and specific properties. A newly discovered biotin ligase, TurboID, is a proximity labeler that is designed to be able to label and observe transmembrane proteins, something that previous methods struggled with. The TurboID method is verified in HEK293T cells and primary cultured mouse cortical neurons. Results have proven the validity of the TurboID method in observing PCDH9-interacting proteins. %K TurboID %K PCDH9 %K Proximity Labeling %K Protein Interactome %K Synapse Development %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=127651