%0 Journal Article %T 基于低成码率的量子密钥存储和使用方案
A Quantum Key Storage and Utilization Scheme Based on Low Coding Rate %A 许子豪 %A 朱向冰 %A 卢萍 %A 刘云 %J Optoelectronics %P 84-91 %@ 2164-5469 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OE.2023.133010 %X 为了解决现有量子保密通信中安全密钥成码率过低带来的安全隐患,提出了一种基于低成码率的量子密钥存储和使用方案。构建量子加密设备硬件架构,改进量子密钥的存储方式与使用机制。将密钥池分为现役池与备用池,现役池中密钥用来加密和解密数据,备用池用来接收安全密钥。对现役池中的量子密钥进行分组及编号,随机选择密钥进行加密,根据密钥内部的二进制数来选择不同的加密方式,增加了破解密钥的难度。这种方案不仅能保证量子加密的高安全性,还可提高量子密钥的使用效率。
In order to solve the security risks caused by the low code rate of the security key in the existing quantum secure communication, a quantum key storage and use scheme based on low code rate is proposed. The hardware architecture of the quantum encryption device is constructed to improve the storage method and utilization mechanism of the quantum key. The key pool is divided into an active pool and a standby pool, where the keys in the active pool are used to encrypt and decrypt data, and the standby pool is used to receive security keys. The quantum keys in the active pool are grouped and numbered, the keys are randomly selected for encryption, and different encryption methods are selected according to the binary number inside the key, which increases the difficulty of cracking the key. This scheme not only ensures high security of quantum encryption, but also improves the efficiency of quantum key usage. %K 量子保密通信,量子密钥,加密,存储
Quantum Secure Communication %K Quantum Key %K Encryption %K Storage %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=72655