%0 Journal Article %T Use of Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound to Diagnose and Treat Infertility and Its Performance %A Sonia Rahman %J Open Journal of Radiology %P 167-183 %@ 2164-3032 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojrad.2023.133018 %X The use of trans-vaginal ultrasound (TVU) has become increasingly popular in diagnosing and treating infertility. TVU allows for a detailed examination of the female reproductive organs and can aid in identifying abnormalities that may be contributing to infertility [1]. Additionally, TVU can assist in monitoring fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization. By TVS diagnosis of focal intrauterine lesions, uterine malformations and leiomyomas are easily delineated and nearly approaches the sensitivity of hysteroscopy. Abnormality of uterine cavity may affect fertility by inhibiting implantation [2]. TVS seems very accurate in the diagnosis of presence or extension of frank pelvic inflammatory disease and also promising in augmenting the outpatient diagnosis of PID among patients referred for lower abdominal pain. In addition to these conditions trans-vaginal sonography has also been described in the diagnosis of pelvic abscesses, pelvic mass, endometriomas, hydrosalpinx, intra uterine adhesions (AshermanĄ¯s syndrome), uterine hypoplasia and other developmental anomalies like mullerian or vaginal agenesis associated with infertility. In this study, it was established transvaginal sonography as a new and reliable diagnostic method by which was able to proceed accurately with more confidence in diagnosing infertility. The Study was a cross sectional study which was conducted at Combined Military Hospital (CMH), Cumilla. During the ultrasound exam, the Study physician evaluated 45 patients by TVS. Among 45 Patients, 8.89% of Leiomyoma, 11.11% of endometrioma, 6.67% of developmental abnormalities i.e. absent uterus, rudimentary uterus, ovarian agenesis, vaginal agenesis and short vagina. 15.56% of bulky uterus with PID, 24.44% of PCOD, 4.44% of retroverted uterus, 6.67% have adnexal cyst and 2.22% are found to have hydrosalpinx. The study found 20% (9 cases) of normal findings of pelvis. We found correlation between clinical findings and TVS findings subsequently 44.44% of leiomyoma, 71.43% of Endometrioma, 60% of Developmental anomaly, 69.23% of Normal Study, 77.78% of Bulky uterus with PID, 84.62% of PCOD, 66.67% of Retroverted Uterus, 60% of adnexal Cyst. %K Endometriomas %K Hydrosalpinx %K PID %K Adnexal Cyst %K PCOD %K Contraception %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=127950