%0 Journal Article %T Active Peptides and Motifs within Collagen and Other ECM Proteins %A Lixin Dai %A Stanley W. Lue %A Isabelle Hansenne-Cervantes %A Christina Karas %A Natalia E. Iyke %A Austin Parish %A Jing Wang %A Caitlin M. Zuilkoski %J American Journal of Molecular Biology %P 241-260 %@ 2161-6663 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ajmb.2023.134017 %X Collagens are the most abundant proteins in mammals and form an extracellular matrix (ECM) with other components as the structural support of muscle, skin, corneas and blood vessels etc. Other than providing structural support, the ECM exhibits active communication with cells and influences many cellular processes including migration, wound healing, differentiation and cancer metastasis. Though collagen proteins contain highly repetitive primary sequences and defined tertiary structures, more and more studies have shown that many short peptides/motifs within collagen proteins play key roles in various biological processes. These short sequences are effective within triple helical structures or independently as stand-alone molecules resulting from proteolytic degradation. Besides endogenous ECM-derived peptides, many more functional peptides have been produced by tissue processing, chemical synthesis, and recombinant protein production. In this review, we summarize different peptides/motifs identified in collagen and other ECM proteins and discuss their potential for medical, personal care, and cosmetics applications. %K Collagen %K Extracellular Matrix %K Peptides %K Recombinant Protein %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=128184