%0 Journal Article %T Health Care System in Portugal for People with Motor Problems %A Beatriz Ferreira %A Maria Carolina %J Open Journal of Pathology %P 195-209 %@ 2164-6783 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojpathology.2023.134020 %X Purpose: From a social and labor inclusion perspective, the article presents a digital prototype conceptualized to provide a ˇ°Diagnostic Pageˇ±, which delivers various prescribers and suppliers of support products that mitigate the problems of the respective patients. It also provides a ˇ°Patient Card Pageˇ±, where all the information about financing the respective products is placed, as well as all the documents likely to be needed for the commercial transactions to be carried out by all the parties involved. It also aims to provide a digital medium to grow a community in this niche market. In the action research methodology approach, the prototype was taken to funding competitions and conferences, where interviews and surveys were carried out, and a number of suggestions were collected on the type of platform to consider in order to respond to the concerns and needs of end users, such as patients, prescribers, suppliers and associations. Methods: The digital platform where the system is hosted uses algorithms that, on the diagnostic page, consider keywords used by patients and return a series of prescribers and suppliers of support products, in which the corresponding percentage of attenuation is taken into account and the best solution found to overcome the level of difficulty presented by the respective patients is delivered. Results and Conclusions: It is hoped that, with this platform, people with motor problems will be able to obtain their diagnosis instantly, through the algorithm implemented, and that they will immediately be provided with a series of prescribers, suppliers and support products best suited to their needs, as well as all the information or conditions necessary to purchase or finance them. On the other hand, prescribers, suppliers and associations have an online platform where they can offer their consultations, products and other support as freelancers who are part of a community. %K Health Care System %K Marketplace %K Support Products %K Digital Community %K Patient Card %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=128250