%0 Journal Article %T 山西省中小企业情报信息获取行为影响因素研究——以软件和信息技术服务业为例
Research on the Influencing Factors of Intelligence Information Acquisition Behavior of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Shanxi Province—Taking the Software and Information Technology Services Indus-try as an Example %A 郭云 %A 李征宇 %J Hans Journal of Data Mining %P 352-365 %@ 2163-1468 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJDM.2023.134034 %X 中小企业是保障国家经济和提供就业岗位的主力军,是建设现代化经济体系的重要基础,促进中小企业发展是党和国家的长期发展战略。信息化时代,有效获取情报信息将会让中小企业在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。本文以山西省软件和信息技术服务业为主要研究对象,运用扎根理论初步分析中小企业情报获取行为的影响因素;再利用调查问卷的方式收集数据后进行验证;最后,针对中小企业情报获取行为提出针对性对策,切实为中小企业稳健、快速发展助力。
Small and medium-sized enterprises are the main force in safeguarding the national economy and providing employment opportunities, and are an important foundation for building a modern eco-nomic system. Promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises is a long-term development strategy of the Party and the country. In the information age, effective access to intelligence information will enable small and medium-sized enterprises to stand out in the fierce market competition. This article takes the software and information technology service industry in Shanxi Province as the main research object, and uses grounded theory to preliminarily analyze the influencing factors of intelligence acquisition behavior of small and medium-sized enterprises, collect data through a survey questionnaire and verify it. Finally, targeted measures are proposed to address the intelligence acquisition behavior of small and medium-sized enterprises, effectively providing assistance for their stable and rapid development. %K 情报,中小企业,获取行为,影响因素,扎根理论
Intelligence %K Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises %K Getting Behaviors %K Influence Factor %K Grounded Theory %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=73650