%0 Journal Article %T 心身科门诊患者心理健康水平调查及影响因素分析
Investigation on the Mental Health Levels of Outpatients in Psychosomatic Department and Analysis of Influencing Factors %A 吴忠英 %A 王璐 %A 马竹静 %A 马竹静 %A 冯钰婷冯钰婷 %A 马迪 %A 杨群 %J International Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology %P 57-62 %@ 2166-580X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/IJPN.2023.124007 %X 目的:探讨西安市某综合医院心身科门诊患者的心理健康水平,并分析其影响因素。方法:采用SCL-90量表调查了2011年9月至2019年7月就诊于西安市某综合医院心身科门诊患者53,993名,回收有效样本42,568份,采用R软件对样本进行描述性统计分析及差异检验。结果:71.81%患者的SCL-90总分超过160分,总分和各维度得分均高于全国常模。呈现阳性症状人数前五名的是其他、强迫、抑郁、焦虑和人际关系。此外,患者的SCL-90总分在性别、年龄、学历及婚姻状况因素上存在显著差异。结论:心身科门诊患者普遍存在一定程度上的心理健康问题,主要表现在其它、抑郁、焦虑、强迫和人际关系五个方面,性别、年龄、学历及婚姻状况均是导致心理健康水平存在差异的重要因素。
Objective: To investigate the mental health levels of outpatients in psychosomatic department of a general hospital in Xi’an and analyze its influencing factors. Methods: A total of 53,993 cases of out-patients in the psychosomatic department of a general hospital in Xi’an from September 2011 to July 2019 were investigated by SCL-90 scale, and 42,568 valid samples were collected. R software was used for descriptive statistical analysis and difference test of the samples. Results: The total score of SCL-90 in 71.81% of patients was more than 160, and the total score and all dimensions were higher than the national norm. The top five factors for people presenting positive symptoms are others, compulsion, depression, anxiety, and interpersonal relationships. In addition, there are significant differences in the total SCL-90 scores of patients in terms of gender, age, educational background, and marital status. Conclusion: Outpatients in psychosomatic department generally have mental health problems to some extent, mainly manifested in five aspects: others, depression, anxiety, compulsion, and interpersonal relationships. Gender, age, educational background, and marital status are important factors that lead to differences in mental health levels. %K 心理健康,SCL-90,影响因素
Mental Health %K SCL-90 %K Influencing Factors %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=73862