%0 Journal Article %T Design of a Cryptographic Algorithm in the Form of an API in Order to Secure Monetary Transactions in a Supermarket %A Atsopmene Tango Vanette Eleonore %A Gamom Ngounou Ewo Roland Christian %A Kom Charles Hubert %J Journal of Information Security %P 437-453 %@ 2153-1242 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jis.2023.144024 %X Supermarkets and large-scale retail stores are usually subject to huge monetary transactions for certain customersกฏ purchases. The computerization of these systems is common in supermarkets but the security of these transactions remains a mystery. This article presents an algorithm as an API based on symmetric cryptography that can enable end-to-end encryption of a monetary transaction in a supermarket. This algorithm is the first part of the complete supermarket management system which will be presented in the following article. The Python language and the Flask framework allow us to develop the algorithm as an independent component. Tests have been performed and our algorithm uses 98.49% less memory and 10.18% time saving than the AES algorithm. %K Application Programming Interface (API) %K Symmetric Cryptography %K End-to-End Encryption %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=128513