%0 Journal Article %T Challenges of Implementation of Neighborhood Layout Plans in Minor Towns: A Case of Mlowo Township in Songwe, Tanzania %A Emmanuel Elifadhili Mchome %A Uwezo Wilbard Nzoya %J Current Urban Studies %P 564-583 %@ 2328-4919 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/cus.2023.114029 %X In centuries, minor towns have played a great intermediate role between rural areas and urban areas in the world. Many worldwide literatures reveal that the settlements contribute much in economic development of both urban and rural areas. Land development in these settlements is guided by detailed layout plans including neighborhood layout plans (NLPs) and Regularization Schemes. In Tanzania, preparation of NLPs in these settlements is under Township Authorities and District Councils. However, the current trend shows that, most of the prepared NLPs in minor towns remain only on the office papers and contradict to what is developed on the ground. The situation has been contributed by unique planning challenges and approaches used in planning of these settlements. Therefore, this paper examines the planning challenges associated with implementation of the NLPs in minor towns. The study employed both primary and secondary data collection methods. The primary data methods were interview and survey while secondary data were obtained through published documents such as population and housing census reports. Thereafter, the data were analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft excel. It comes out from the findings that most of the designated plots in minor towns are not reaching up to the stage of being surveyed and issuing of title deeds as the prepared NLPs focus only on one or few clients who are able to finance the layout preparation process while the rest are partially involved in the process. This creates unwillingness of the other large group of land owners and developers in the project areas to support preparation and implementation of the NLPs. In this case, it is important to improve inclusiveness of all stakeholders as well as economic stabilization of the community in minor towns through investments prioritization. %K Minor Towns %K Neighborhood Layout Plans and Implementation Process %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=128728