%0 Journal Article %T 瞬态线功率密度对PCI裕量影响研究
Study on the Influence of Linear Power Density of Transient on PCI Margin %A 翟新杰 %A 张鹏鹤 %A 张衡 %A 林少芳 %A 李长征 %J Nuclear Science and Technology %P 1-9 %@ 2332-712X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/NST.2024.121001 %X 当堆芯发生II类瞬态导致燃料棒局部功率快速增加时,由于芯块热膨胀导致包壳应力和应变快速增加,PCI失效风险增大。本文通过研究燃料棒在不同II类瞬态线功率密度下PCI裕量的变化,从而确定了II类瞬态线功率密度对PCI裕量的影响规律,为后续通过修改瞬态保护定值,避免发生PCI失效奠定了基础。
When the local power of fuel rods increases rapidly due to Class II transient in the core, the stress and strain of cladding increase rapidly due to pellet thermal expansion, and the risk of PCI failure increases. In this paper, the change of PCI margin of fuel rods under different linear power density of Class II transient is studied, and the influence of linear power density of Class II transient on PCI margin is determined, which lays a foundation for avoiding PCI failure by modifying transient protection setting. %K 芯块,包壳,PCI,瞬态,线功率密度
Pellet %K Cladding %K PCI %K Transient %K Linear Power Density %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=75030