%0 Journal Article %T 电商时代下茶产业发展探究
Exploration on the Development of Tea Industry in the Era of E-Commerce %A 胡晓婷 %A 高蕾蕾 %J Modern Marketing %P 50-55 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2023.134007 %X 茶叶历史源远流长,具有深厚的文化底蕴,占据广大的市场。随着时代的发展,传统的销售模式已经不足以满足市场需求,电商平台的创建,给茶叶市场带来了新的发展机遇和挑战。本文在电商时代背景下探究茶产业发展策略,分析当前的销售模型,茶叶与电商平台结合的优势,分析潜在问题并制定发展策略。
Tea has a long history and profound cultural heritage, occupying a vast market. With the development of the times, the traditional sales model is no longer enough to meet the market demand. The establishment of e-commerce platform has brought new development opportunities and challenges to the tea market. This paper explores the development strategy of tea industry under the background of e-commerce era, analyzes the current sales model, and the advantages of combining tea with e-commerce platform, analyzes potential problems and formulates development strategies. %K 茶产业,电商销售,发展现状,发展探究
Tea Industry %K E-Commerce Sales %K Development Status %K Development Exploration %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=75130