%0 Journal Article %T 膳食纤维类食品的认知对于消费意愿的影响
The Effect of Perceptions of Dietary Fibre-Based Foods on Consumption Intentions %A 薛陆鸿睿 %A 赵思琪 %A 杨杜凯 %A 王睿婷 %A 周治强 %A 夏晓峰 %J Modern Marketing %P 56-61 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2023.134008 %X 膳食纤维市场是食品市场下的一个细分市场,为充分挖掘消费者膳食纤维产品消费潜力、促进膳食纤维市场健康快速发展,探寻何种认知对于膳食纤维食品消费意愿的影响更大。本文以“知–信–行”理论和效用感知价值理论为基础,通过逻辑回归与中介效应进行分析,探讨消费意愿的直接与间接影响因素。结果表明:消费者通过效用认知、口感认知、购买尝试等均能显著提高消费者对于产品的消费意愿,宣传理解在认知与消费意愿起到完全中介作用。本文认为消费者膳食纤维的认知水平对购买意愿呈现正向影响,并且通过理解与信任的建立对于消费者的购买意愿具有正向影响。
The dietary fibre market is a segment of the food market. In order to fully explore the consumption potential of dietary fibre products and promote the healthy and rapid development of the dietary fibre market, it is important to find out what kind of perceptions has a greater impact on the willingness to consume dietary fibre food. Based on the theory of “Knowing-Believing-Acting” and the theory of perceived value of utility, this paper analyses the direct and indirect influences on consumption intention through logistic regression and mediation effect. The results show that consumers’ willingness to consume can be significantly increased through utility perception, taste perception, and purchase attempts, and that publicity and understanding play a completely intermediary role between perception and willingness to consume. This paper concludes that the level of consumers’ dietary fibre knowledge has a positive effect on their willingness to buy, and that the establishment of understanding and trust has a positive effect on consumers’ willingness to buy. %K 膳食纤维,认知水平,消费意愿
Dietary Fiber %K Cognitive Level %K Consumption Intention %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=75224