%0 Journal Article %T 变压器的变换和运行特性实验研究
Experimental Study on Transformation and Operation Characteristics of Transformer %A 李兰兰 %A 张科 %A 王馨仪 %A 周莹 %A 宋青红 %J Modern Physics %P 171-179 %@ 2161-0924 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MP.2023.13616 %X 变压器是基于电磁感应原理来实现电能的变换、分配、传输、计量和补偿的一种特殊设备,具有机械强度高,负载能力强,功率损耗低等优点,广泛应用于电力行业、工业生产和交通运输行业等领域。本文通过对变压器的结构、工作原理和输出特性的分析,从实验上研究了开路下次级电压与初级电压、初级线圈匝数;短路时次级电流与初级电流、次级线圈的匝数和带载下初级电流与次级电流等关系,测量了变压器的输出功率,并结合变压器相关理论对实验结果进行了详细分析。
Transformer is a kind of special equipment that realizes the transformation, distribution, transmission, measurement and compensation of electric energy based on electromagnetic induction principle. It has the advantages of high mechanical strength, strong load capacity and low power loss, and is widely used in electric power industry, industrial production, transportation industry and other fields. In this paper, the structure, working principle and output characteristics of transformer are analyzed, the relationship between the secondary voltage and the primary voltage, the number of turns of the primary coil under the open circuit; secondary current and primary current, the number of turns of secondary coil in short circuit; primary current and secondary current under load were studied experimentally, the output power of transformer is measured. Combined with trans-former theory, the experimental results are analyzed in detail. %K 变压器,电磁感应,变换,输出特性
Transformer %K Electromagnetic Induction %K Transformation %K Output Characteristics %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=76169