%0 Journal Article %T 利用中草药复方治疗棘胸蛙皮肤病的试验研究
Study on Experiment of Treating Skin Disease of Quasipaa spinosa Using Chinese Herbs Compound %A 谢钦铭 %A 赵金保 %A 杨汉民 %A 陈水强 %A 陈青华 %J Open Journal of Fisheries Research %P 119-126 %@ 2373-1451 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJFR.2023.104014 %X 本文应用中草药复方剂–石蛙康治疗棘胸蛙皮肤病(包括烂皮病和红腿病),并与3种抗生素类药物(氟本尼考粉剂、盐酸多西环素和盐酸环丙沙星)的治疗进行了比较试验。试验结果表明,石蛙康治疗组和3种抗生素(氟本尼考粉和盐酸多西环素粉和盐酸环丙沙星)治疗组中患病棘胸蛙的死亡率均极显著低于感染对照组(P < 0.01);石蛙康组棘胸蛙病蛙的治愈率均显著高于3种抗生素组(氟本尼考、盐酸多西环素和盐酸环丙沙星组) (P < 0.05),石蛙康治疗棘胸蛙的红腿病治愈率为91.46%、烂皮病治愈率93.32%;试验结果还表明,在棘胸蛙治疗期间,石蛙康组的棘胸蛙增重率达到健康棘胸蛙增重率的93%以上,而抗生素治疗组的棘胸蛙增重率仅为健康棘胸蛙增重率的70%;因此中草药复方–石蛙康对棘胸蛙皮肤病的治疗效果显著优于抗生素治疗效果。
Chinese herb compound agent-SWK was used to treat the skin diseases (including putrid-skin disease and red-leg disease) of Chinese spiny frog Quasipaa spinosa in this paper, and using 3 kinds of antibiotics (Florfenicol, Doxycycline Hydrochloride and Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride) for comparing the curative effect. The results showed that, the mortality rate of diseased Chinese spiny frog Quasipaa spinosa in SWK group and 3 kinds of antibiotics (Florfenicol, Doxycycline Hydrochloride and Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride) groups were significantly lower than in CK group (P < 0.01). The cure rate of diseased Chinese spiny frog Quasipaa spinosa in SWK group was significantly higher than in 3 kinds of antibiotics (Florfenicol, Doxycycline Hydrochloride and Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride) groups (P < 0.05). The cure rate of red-leg disease of Quasipaa spinosa was 91.43% in SWK group, the cure rate of putrid-skin disease of Quasipaa spinosa was 93.32% in SWK group. the results also showed that, the weight gain rate of diseased Quasipaa spinosa in SWK group duration of therapy was 93% of the weight gain rate of health Quasipaa spinosa, the weight gain rate of diseased Quasipaa spinosa in 3 kinds of antibiotics (Florfenicol, Doxycycline Hydrochloride and Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride) groups duration of therapy was only 70% of the weight gain rate of health Quasipaa spinosa, so, the Chinese herb compound agent-SWK was significantly better medicine than antibiotics for curing skin diseases of Quasipaa spinosa frog. %K 棘胸蛙,皮肤病,中草药复方,抗生素
Quasipaa spinosa %K Skin Disease %K Chinese Herbs Compound %K Antibiotics %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=75890