%0 Journal Article %T 降雨对边坡稳定影响研究进展
Research Progress on the Impact of Rainfall on Slope Stability %A 王树照 %A 崔亚军 %A 魏敏 %A 张林宏 %A 冉德钦 %J Advances in Porous Flow %P 21-31 %@ 2164-5663 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/APF.2022.123003 %X 降雨入渗过程是十分复杂的,降雨入渗过程包括雨水沿坡顶面的渗入、沿坡面的渗入、沿坡体裂隙的渗入等多种形式。降雨导致边坡失稳的原因很多,可归纳为降雨入渗在边坡体内形成地下水渗流、岩土体软化、基质吸力下降,针对降雨作用下边坡失稳灾害影响,国内外研究者对降雨作用下边坡稳定性做出大量研究。本文从降雨对边坡稳定性的影响、降雨渗流边界条件和边坡降雨入渗基本理论三个方面将进行了综述,以期对边坡失稳防治提出提供理论依据。
The process of rainfall infiltration is very complex, which includes various forms such as rainwater infiltration along the top surface of the slope, infiltration along the slope surface, and infiltration along the cracks of the slope. There are many reasons for slope instability caused by rainfall, which can be summarized as groundwater seepage, softening of rock and soil, and decrease in matrix suction caused by rainfall infiltration in the slope body. In response to the impact of slope instability disasters under rainfall, domestic and foreign researchers have conducted extensive research on slope stability under rainfall. This article reviews the impact of rainfall on slope stability, the boundary conditions of rainfall seepage, and the basic theory of slope rainfall infiltration, in order to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and control of slope instability. %K 边坡,稳定,降雨,渗流力学
Slope %K Stable %K Rainfall %K Seepage Mechanics %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=76249