%0 Journal Article %T Contribution to the Study of Resistance to Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs in the <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> Complex Isolated at the National Laboratory of Clinical Biology and Public Health in Bangui in the Central African Republic in 2022: Case of Rifampicin %A Clotaire Donatien Rafa£¿ %A Max Namzeka %A Ernest Lango-Yaya %A Romaric Oscar Tibet Kada %A Oscar Senzongo Ndimakamoko %A Serge Henri Gbazi %A Le Bon Bondom %A Christian Maucler Pamatika %A Boniface Koffi %A Alain Le Faou %J Journal of Tuberculosis Research %P 162-172 %@ 2329-8448 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/jtr.2023.114016 %X Microscopy-positive and drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis (MPT+) is one of the most feared diseases due to the cost of its management and the associated mortality. The GeneXpert, a new molecular test, is in greater demand for the diagnosis of MPT+ resistance cases. The application of GeneXpert to new cases of MPT+ is not effective in the country¡¯s TB screening centres. The objective of this study is to assess the contribution of GeneXpert to the determination of MPT+ resistance cases in Bangui. The study was cross-sectional and covered the period from February to July 2022. The diagnosis of tuberculosis was first performed by microscopy with Ziehl Neelsen hot stain. The GeneXpert was then used to test for resistance in the sputum of all patients with positive microscopy. The collected data was entered into Excel 2013 and analysed with Epi Info 3.3.7. We analysed data from 755 patients, 80 of whom had resistance. The 80 patients ranged in age from 6 to 68 years (mean age = 35 years). The prevalence of resistant TB was 10.60% (80/755). Primary resistance accounted for 73.75% and secondary resistance for 26.25%. The age group 20 - 39 years (57.50%), male (72.50%), 8th district (17.50%), people living in couples (53.75%), farmers (13.75%) were the socio-demographic characteristics most affected by resistance. Treatment failure (13.75%), relapses (13.75%), the notion of contagion (28.75%), a history of smoking (40%) and alcohol (61.25%) were the clinical antecedents reported by the patients. Treatment failure and relapse were the variables associated with the occurrence of resistant PMT+ (p < 0.05). A considerable proportion of the overall Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs (10.60%) was identified by GeneXpert. Treatment failure and relapse were the factors associated with the risk of resistance. %K GeneXpert %K Resistance %K < %K i> %K Mycobacterium tuberculosis< %K /i> %K Bangui %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=130022