%0 Journal Article %T 葫芦岛近岸冬季海水重金属含量分布及评价
Distribution and Assessment of Heavy Metal Content in Nearshore Seawater inHuludao during Winter %A 宫少军 %J Adances in Marine Sciences %P 297-305 %@ 2376-4279 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AMS.2023.104030 %X 文章以葫芦岛冬季近岸海水水质为研究对象,运用《海水水质标准》的评价方法,分析海水重金属含量分布和特征。结果表明:海水中的As、Zn、Pb和Cd元素含量呈中间高,离岸和两边低之势,Cu元素含量大体为离岸浓度变高;通过对评价区各项环境因子含量和各类水体标准值进行比较,Cu元素含量均达到一类水质要求,Pb元素评价指标属于较清洁。Zn、Cd和As重金属均属于严重污染海域。表明评价区总体属于重度污染海域。
Using the evaluation method of “Seawater Quality Standards”, the study analyzes the distribution and characteristics of heavy metal content in sea-water. The results indicate that the contents of As, Zn, Pb, and Cd elements in seawater are relatively high in the middle and low on both sides. The concentration of Cu element is generally higher offshore. By comparing the contents of various environmental factors and water quality standards in the evaluation area, the Cu element content meets the requirements of Class I water quality, while the Pb element evaluation index belongs to a relatively clean category. Zn, Cd, and As heavy metals are all serious pollutants in the area, indicating that the evaluation area is generally a heavily polluted marine area. %K 葫芦岛,海水重金属,海洋环境
Huludao %K Heavy Metal in Seawater %K Marine Environment %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78103