%0 Journal Article %T 东营市非遗传承与研学旅行深度融合路径研究
Research on the Deep Fusion Path of Non-Genetic Inheritance and Study Travel in Dongying City %A 崔瑞琪 %A 胡冰燕 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 136-141 %@ 2574-416X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2023.74019 %X 非遗传承与研学旅行是时下热门的研究话题,东营作为黄河入海城市,历史文化底蕴深厚,文化遗产资源丰富,这些“天然优势”为东营非遗传承与研学旅行提供了基础。但经调研,东营市非遗传承与研学旅行融合发展存在不足,具体表现为非遗传承与研学旅行认识不到位、宣传力度低,资源整合力度不够、研学课程内容单一,研学导师专业程度低、师资匮乏。经过多方举证分析提出创新宣传方式、拓宽宣传渠道,整合区域资源、打造特色研学课程,注重人才培养、打造专业师资队伍,以此推进东营市非遗传承与研学旅行深度融合。
Non-genetic inheritance and research travel is a hot research topic nowadays. Dongying, as a city that enters the Yellow River into the sea, has deep historical and cultural deposits and rich cultural heritage resources. These “natural advantages” provide the basis for non-genetic inheritance and research travel in Dongying. However, according to the investigation, there are shortcomings in the integrated development of non-genetic inheritance and research travel in Dongying City, which are manifested as inadequate understanding of non-genetic inheritance and research travel, low pub-licity, insufficient integration of resources, single content of research courses, low professional level of research tutors and lack of teachers. Through multi-party evidence analysis, it is proposed to in-novate publicity methods, broaden publicity channels, integrate regional resources, create charac-teristic research courses, pay attention to talent training, and build professional teachers, so as to promote the deep integration of non-genetic inheritance and research travel in Dongying City. %K 东营市,非遗传承,研学旅行
Dongying City %K Not Inherited %K Study Trip %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78061