%0 Journal Article %T 科技期刊提高编校质量的方法
Ways to Improve Editorial Quality in Scientific and Technical Journals %A 鲍旭腾 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 142-148 %@ 2574-416X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2023.74020 %X 校对是科技期刊出版的重要环节,也是科技出版物质量的重要组成部分。编辑质量和校对质量共同组成了出版物的编校质量,是出版物四项基本质量要求之一。文章简要探讨了科技期刊校对工作的重要性,当前校对工作尤其是编校合一模式下面临的主要问题,各个校次产生差错的主要来源及分别针对不同差错来源提高编校质量的方法。同时,介绍了三校之间的关系,并基于此寻找其他途径提高编校质量的方法,如人员校对中可以进行分层式、分布式、分块式、交叉式等校对,三校一读突出侧重点,明确各个校次的目标;另外需要充分利用工具校对,虽然目前编校方面的人工智能技术还不够成熟,但仍然可以帮助编辑部提高编校质量和效率,需要编辑校对人员引起关注和重视。
Proofreading is an important link in the publication of scientific and technical journals and an im-portant part of the quality of scientific and technical publications. The quality of editing and proof-reading together constitute the quality of editing and proofreading of publications, which is one of the four basic quality requirements of publications. The article briefly discusses the importance of proofreading work of scientific and technical journals, the main problems faced by proofreading work at present, especially in the mode of editing and proofreading, the main sources of errors produced by each school and the methods to improve the quality of proofreading according to dif-ferent sources of errors. At the same time, the relationship between the three proofreaders is in-troduced, and based on this, we look for other ways to improve the quality of proofreading, such as staff proofreading can be layered, distributed, chunked, cross-proofreading, etc., and the three proofreaders can highlight the focus of the readings, and make clear the objectives of each proof-reading; in addition, we need to make full use of the tools of proofreading, although the current arti-ficial intelligence technology in proofreading is not mature enough, but it can still help the editorial department to improve the quality and efficiency of proofreading, which requires editors to make full use of tools to proofread. %K 校对,编校合一,科技期刊
Proofreading %K Editing and Proofreading %K Scientific and Technical Journals %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78063