%0 Journal Article %T “去美元化”态势与国际货币多元化
The Trend of “De-Dollarization” and International Currency Diversification %A 王菲 %J Finance %P 1-6 %@ 2161-0975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/FIN.2024.141001 %X 在2023年3至5月期间,“去美元化”成为全球关注的焦点,市场对美元的悲观情绪逐渐高涨,黄金和加密货币的价格也随之走高。很多学者认为,这一轮“去美元化”浪潮兴起的原因是十分复杂的,其中不乏美国变动的货币政策、美联储大幅度持续加息和美元政治持续干扰等原因所导致,同时也与美国金融危机、国债限额等问题的频繁干扰密不可分。应对以美元为中心的国际货币体系所带来的美国货币政策风险外溢,防范国际贸易动荡局势和风险,国际开始构建多元化国际货币体系,扩大本币交易范围推动国际地区支付的互联互通,探讨以本币进行结算的协定,加快“去美元化”趋势摆脱美元不断带来的不确定性。在“去美元化”气氛达到顶点的背景下,也应防范国际货币碎片化所导致的竞争加剧所带来的问题,应该积极应对“去美元化”过程中国际货币体系所带来的系统性风险。
During the period from March to May 2023, “de-dollarization” became the focus of global attention, with market pessimism towards the US dollar gradually rising, and the prices of gold and cryptocurrencies also rising accordingly. Many scholars believe that the reasons for the rise of this wave of “de-dollarization” are very complex, including the changing monetary policy of the United States, the substantial and continuous interest rate increase of the Federal Reserve, and the continuous interference of dollar politics. At the same time, it is also inseparable from the frequent interference of the United States financial crisis, treasury bond quota and other issues. In response to the spillover of US monetary policy risks brought about by the international monetary system centered around the US dollar, and to prevent international trade turbulence and risks, the international community has begun to build a diversified international monetary system, expand the scope of local currency transactions, promote the interconnection of international and regional payments, ex-plore agreements to settle in local currency, and accelerate the trend of “de-dollarization” to break free from the uncertainty brought about by the US dollar. Against the backdrop of the peak of “de-dollarization” atmosphere, we should also prevent the problems caused by intensified competi-tion caused by international currency fragmentation, and actively respond to the systemic risks brought by the international monetary system during the process of “de-dollarization”. %K 去美元化,国际货币体系,多元化
De-Dollarization %K International Monetary System %K Diversification %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78672