%0 Journal Article %T 基于青年科研论坛对全科医学专硕研究生教育的思考
Reflections on Postgraduate Education for the Professional Master’s Degree in General Medicine Based on the Young Research Forum %A 李杰 %A 路宁 %A 杨丹婷 %A 权昕 %A 周泉 %A 张明鑫 %J Advances in Education %P 55-59 %@ 2160-7303 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AE.2024.141009 %X 随着现代医学模式的转变以及人民群众对医疗保健的迫切需求,全科医学的生物–心理–社会医学模式逐渐显露优势并发挥重要作用。因此全科医生队伍的培养也愈发重要。全科医学专业学位研究生作为高素质全科医生的储备力量,其科研能力对促进全科医学的学科建设与提升全科医疗日常工作的效率和质量具有重要意义。但在目前全科医学专业学位硕士研究生教育与住院医师规范化培训“并轨”的模式下,学生科研能力不足,阻碍了全科医学的发展。文章基于西安医学院第一附属医院消化内科的“青年科研论坛”模式对提高全科医学专业学位硕士研究生(以下简称全科研究生)科研能力提出建议。
With the introduction of the Health China strategy, the demand for health care is increasing and the training of general practitioners is becoming increasingly important. As a reserve of highly qualified general practitioners, the research capability of postgraduate students in general practice is of great significance in promoting the discipline of general practice. However, under the current model of “integration” of the master’s degree in general medicine with the standardized residency training, the students’ research ability has decreased due to the pressure of the training work. The article proposes suggestions for improving the research ability of master’s degree students in general medicine (hereinafter referred to as postgraduate students in general medicine) based on the model of “Youth Research Forum” in the Department of Gastroenterology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Medical College. %K 青年科研论坛,全科医学,专硕研究生,研究生教育
Youth Research Forum %K General Practice %K Professional Master’s Degree %K Postgraduate Education %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78712