%0 Journal Article %T 人体解剖学教学中辩证思想的应用
The Application of Dialectical Thinking in Teaching Human Anatomy %A 张天宝 %J Advances in Education %P 67-71 %@ 2160-7303 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AE.2024.141011 %X 人体解剖学是重要的医学基础课程,是医学生的必修课,学好解剖学可以为专业课的学习打下良好的基础。哲学是科学之母,任何一门学科的发展都离不开哲学思想的指导。人体解剖学中蕴含着丰富的唯物主义辩证思想,作为医学院校的师生,用唯物主义辩证法指导人体解剖学教学与学习,可提升学习效果。掌握进化与发展的观点、矛盾规律、一般与特殊的关系、结构与功能相联系、局部与整体相统一、理论与实践相结合等辩证法原理,有助于深刻理解解剖学知识的内涵与外延,全面认识人体结构的规律性,达到学好解剖学的目的。
Human anatomy is an important basic medical course and a required course for medical students. Learning anatomy well can lay a good foundation for professional courses. Philosophy is the mother of science, and the development of any discipline cannot be separated from the guidance of philo-sophical ideas. Human anatomy contains a wealth of materialistic dialectics. As teachers and stu-dents in medical colleges, using materialistic dialectics to guide the teaching and learning of human anatomy can improve the learning effect. Mastering the dialectical principles of evolution and de-velopment, contradictory laws, the relationship between general and special, the connection be-tween structure and function, the unity of local and overall, and the combination of theory and practice, can help to deeply understand the connotation and extension of anatomical knowledge, comprehensively understand the regularity of human structure, and achieve the goal of learning anatomy well. %K 人体解剖学,人体形态学,教学方法,辩证思维
Human Anatomy %K Human Morphology %K Teaching Methods %K Dialectical Thinking %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78714