%0 Journal Article %T 山西忻州方言疑问句研究
A Study on Interrogative Sentences in Xinzhou Dialect of Shanxi Province %A 阮佳敏 %J Modern Linguistics %P 48-58 %@ 2330-1716 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ML.2024.121008 %X 为探究忻州方言疑问句在语言类型学视角下的共性与个性,本文通过隐蔽调查法录音并转写搜集到的语料进行分析。结果显示,忻州方言的疑问句类型与普通话一样,可以从结构上分为是非问、特指问、选择问、正反问四种。从功能来讲,是非问为非真性问句,其余三类为真性问句。从功能对忻州方言四类问句进行再分类,结果符合语言类型学只有特指问句和一般疑问句两大类的普遍特征。
To explore the commonalities and individuality of interrogative sentences in Xinzhou dialect from the perspective of language typology, this article analyzes the collected corpus through covert in-vestigation method of recording and transcribing. The types of interrogative sentences in Xinzhou dialect, like Mandarin, can be structurally divided into four types: yes no questions, specific ques-tions, selective questions, and positive and negative questions. From a functional perspective, yes no questions are non true questions, while the other three types are true questions. The reclassifi-cation of the four types of interrogative sentences in Xinzhou dialect from a functional perspective is consistent with the general characteristics of language typology, which only includes specific inter-rogative sentences and general interrogative sentences. %K 山西方言,忻州方言,疑问句
Shanxi Dialect %K Xinzhou Dialect %K Interrogative Sentence %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78702