%0 Journal Article %T 基于OBE教育理念的“双循环”动态可持续教育机制研究
Research on the “Dual Cycle” Dynamic Sustainable Education Mechanism Based on OBE Education Concept %A 李欣 %A 李莹雪 %A 李玉群 %A 杨蕊蕊 %A 孙文超 %J Advances in Education %P 99-105 %@ 2160-7303 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AE.2024.141016 %X 在高等院校中普遍存在着培养目标无法很好地与产业发展相匹配,课程体系建设滞后,教学资源短缺,产出不佳,评价系统存在局限性等问题,本文基于OBE教育理念,以成果为导向,构建校内外双“循环”驱动,形成动态的、可持续的教育与培养机制,并在此基础上,设计实施“课堂–实验室–实践基地–岗位现场”四位一体工学交融的实践育人体系和实施路径,引入“全过程”、“全方位”、“全人员”的考核及质量评价模式,来强化高等院校质量监控和质量保障体系。
In higher education institutions, there are common problems such as inadequate matching of training objectives with industrial development, lagging curriculum system construction, shortage of teaching resources, poor output, and limitations in evaluation systems. This article is based on the OBE education concept, results oriented, and constructs a dual “circular” drive within and out-side the school, forming a dynamic and sustainable education and training mechanism. On this ba-sis, design and implement a “four in one” practical education system and implementation path that integrates “classroom, laboratory, practice base, and job site”, and introduce a “full process”, “com-prehensive”, and “all personnel” assessment and quality evaluation mode to strengthen the quality monitoring and guarantee system of higher education institutions. %K OBE理念,教育机制,实践教学
OBE Concept %K Educational Mechanisms %K Practical Teaching %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78733