%0 Journal Article %T 新公共服务视角下社区网格化管理优化研究
Research on Community Grid Management Optimization from the Perspective of New Public Service %A 李佳月 %J Service Science and Management %P 47-53 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SSEM.2024.131007 %X 网格化管理是基层社区治理的重要手段。然而,在新时代基层社会治理的新变化和新需求下,网格化管理仍然存在着行政化倾向强而服务弱化、社会参与主体定位尴尬、居民互动性较低等问题。为此,需要以新公共服务理论为指导,坚持以提升居民利益为导向,推进服务型政府建设,提升网格服务效能,正确定位和引导社会参与主体,提升网格对居民的回应性,推动网格化管理优化转型。
Grid management is an important means of grassroots community governance. However, under the new changes and new needs of grassroots social governance in the new era, grid management still has some problems, such as strong administrative tendency and weak service, awkward positioning of social participation subjects, and low interaction of residents. Therefore, it is necessary to take the new public service theory as the guidance, adhere to the promotion of residents’ interests as the orientation, promote the construction of service-oriented government, improve the service efficiency of grid, correctly position and guide social participants, improve the responsiveness of grid to residents, and promote the optimization and transformation of grid management. %K 新公共服务理论,基本公共服务,社区治理,网格化管理,多元参与
New Public Service Theory %K Basic Public Services %K Community Governance %K Grid Management %K Multiple Participation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78737