%0 Journal Article %T 校外培训行政监管的法制路径研究
Study on the Legal Path of Administrative Supervision of After-Campus Training %A 俞欢 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 7-11 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121002 %X 校外培训教育作为我国教育事业的重要形式,加强对校外培训行政监管的立法研究,在法治的前提下促进市场良性发展是题中应有之义。我国现阶段校外培训行政监管的法律体系并不完备,监管力度有待加强,权益保护机制不健全,通过立法手段强化监管是必然选择,让校外培训机构监管有法可依、有章可循,加快推动我国教育事业高质量发展。
As an important form of education in China, after-school training education is necessary to strengthen the legislative research on the administrative supervision of after-school training and promote the benign development of the market under the premise of the rule of law. At the present stage, the legal system of administrative supervision of after-school training in China is not complete, the supervision needs to be strengthened, and the protection mechanism of rights and interests is not perfect. It is an inevitable choice to strengthen supervision through legislative means, so that after-school training institutions have laws to follow and rules to follow, so as to accelerate the high-quality development of China’s education. %K 双减,监管,校外培训
Double Reduction %K Supervision %K Off-Campus Training %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78783