%0 Journal Article %T 民事保全制度在环境领域的适用研究
Research on the Application of Civil Preservation System in the Field of Environment %A 张露露 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 12-20 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121003 %X 2021年11月,最高人民法院正式通过了《最高人民法院关于生态环境侵权案件适用禁止令保全措施的若干规定》,该规定提出的环境保护禁止令旨在通过诉讼之外的司法手段来预防可能发生的环境利益的损害。但是当前的环境保护禁止令诞生于行为保全框架下,沿用了行为保全的规定,缺乏独立性,没有充分着眼于环境利益的特殊性,阻碍其预防功能的发挥。赋予禁止令独立性,同时以环境利益的独特性为基础,以预防功能的实现为核心,区分对待生命等核心权益和经济利益,针对环境损害案件的特点,明确禁止令中积极作为的实施效果,确保实现禁止令的设立目的。
In November 2021, the Supreme People’s Court formally passed the Several Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on the Application of Injunction Preservation Measures in Ecological and Environmental Infringement Cases, which proposes environmental protection injunctions that aim to prevent possible damage to environmental interests through judicial means other than litigation. However, the current environmental protection prohibition order was born under the framework of behavior preservation, followed the provisions of conduct preservation, lacked independence, did not fully focus on the particularity of environmental interests, and hindered its preventive function. Giving injunctions independence, based on the uniqueness of environmental interests, taking the realization of preventive functions as the core, distinguishing between core rights and interests such as life and economic interests, and clarifying the implementation effect of positive actions in restraining orders in light of the characteristics of environmental damage cases, so as to ensure that the purpose of establishing restraining orders is achieved. %K 环境保护禁止令,行为保全,独立性,预防价值
Environmental Protection Prohibition Order %K Conduct Preservation %K Independence %K Preventive Value %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78784