%0 Journal Article %T 计算机软件“委托创作特定目的”的考量因素
Considerations for the “Commissioned Creation for a Specific Purpose” of Computer Software %A 靳晓萱 %J Dispute Settlement %P 86-91 %@ 2379-3104 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DS.2024.101012 %X 委托人在使用委托创作的计算机软件时,经常会与受托人就软件的使用范围问题产生不同观点。要确定委托开发软件的使用范围,首先要明确“委托创作特定目的”。从计算机软件本身来说,虽然其拥有与其他传统作品类型相比特有的性质,并且有《计算机软件保护条例》加以特别规定,但作为作品的一种,《条例》内容不可对抗《著作权法》内容。计算机软件作为委托作品时,对“委托创作特定目的”的考量并不因其自身特点而与其他作品存在不同。从委托人委托创作的主观意识来说,其委托创作软件所面向的用户、在使用软件过程中的修改程度以及支付价款的时间和方式,都应作为考量“委托创作特定目的”的因素。
When the client uses the computer software created by the client, he often has different views with the trustee on the use scope of the software. To determine the scope of the use of commissioned software, first of all clear “commissioned creation for a specific purpose”. For its part, computer software, although of a nature unique to other types of traditional works and specifically regulated by “the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software”, as a type of work, the content of “the Regulations” can not oppose the content of “the Copyright Law”. When computer software is a commissioned work, the consideration of “commissioned creation for a specific purpose” is not different from other works because of its own characteristics. In terms of the client’s subjective sense of commissioning, the user, the extent of modification in the process of using the software, and the time and manner of payment, should be considered as a “commissioned creation for a specific purpose” factor. %K 著作权,委托作品,计算机软件,委托创作特定目的
Copyright %K Commissioned Works %K Computer Software %K Commissioned Creation for a Specific Purpose %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78752