%0 Journal Article %T 德国技术伦理思想研究综述
An Overview of Technological Ethics Study in German %A 高璐璐 %J Advances in Philosophy %P 24-29 %@ 2169-2602 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.131005 %X 技术发展引发的伦理问题是当今技术哲学的一大热点。技术哲学的伦理转向发轫于德国,兴起于欧美。德国技术伦理研究开创了技术哲学的伦理转向,对技术时代的政策制定、跨学科合作、科研人员伦理意识培养等重要现实问题起到了根本性的指导作用。本研究通过对德国技术伦理思想进行较系统的综述,厘清了技术伦理在德国的发展脉络与过程,对于我国的技术哲学研究具有一定的启示。
The ethical issues arising from technological development are a major hot topic in today’s philosophy of technology. The ethical turn of technological philosophy originated in Germany and developed in Europe and America. Research on technological ethics in German has initiated an ethical shift in technological philosophy, providing fundamental guidance for important practical issues such as policy formulation, interdisciplinary cooperation, and the cultivation of ethical awareness among researchers in the technological era. Through a systematic review of technological ethics study in German, this study provides an insight into development and process of German techno-logical ethics, which will offer implications for the study of technological philosophy in China. %K 德国技术伦理,技术哲学,综述
German Technological Ethics %K Philosophy of Technology %K Overview %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78789