%0 Journal Article %T 《太乙金华宗旨》回光功法与催眠术的共通点
Common Points of Huiguang Kung and Hypnosis in “T’ai I Chin Hua Tsung Chih” %A 韩静雅 %J Advances in Philosophy %P 49-58 %@ 2169-2602 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.131008 %X 《太乙金华宗旨》相传为八仙之一吕洞宾所著,此典不仅为道教内丹修炼及养生宝典,经由卫礼贤翻译,也在国外广为流传,受到哲学、宗教学、心理学者关注。其修行方式与催眠术存在许多相通。本文先介绍了回光功法与催眠的原理和运用,继而阐述二者之间存在的几点相似之处,并说明二者在练习时容易产生的谬误,以此来表达中国古代哲学和本土宗教与人类集体潜意识的智慧相通之处。
According to legend, “T’ai I Chin Hua Tsung Chih” was written by Lyu Dongbin, one of the Eight Transcendents. This is about not only Taoist Inner Alchemy cultivation and exercise and life tending book, but also widely spread abroad by the scholars of philosophy, religion and psychology. There are many connections between its practice and hypnosis. This paper introduces the principle and application of Huiguang (look inside) Kung and hypnosis, then expounds the similarities between them, and explains the fallacies that are easy to produce in practice, to express the connection be-tween ancient Chinese philosophy and indigenous religion and the wisdom of the human subconscious in collective unconscious. %K 太乙金华宗旨,催眠术,回光功
T’ai I Chin Hua Tsung Chih %K Hypnotism %K Huiguang Kung %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78803