%0 Journal Article %T 女性阅读与批评中的解构视野——乔纳森·卡勒论女性主义批评中的解构策略
Deconstructive Perspectives in Women’s Reading and Criticism—Jonathan Kahler on Deconstruction Strategies in Feminist Criticism %A 张恒通 %J Advances in Philosophy %P 67-72 %@ 2169-2602 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ACPP.2024.131010 %X 乔纳森?卡勒在《论解构》中梳理了解构的缘起与发展,并在此视域下分析了它与其他理论流派之间的对话与融合,其中包括对女性主义批评与解构主义之间的互文性关系的论述。解构的渊源与含义的复杂性使得它与女性主义批评之间保持着一种若即若离的暧昧关系。由此,卡勒在解构主义视野下揭示了女性主义批评中存在的对文本的三重解构策略:求诸于女性经验;建构女性批评的理性与严肃性;揭示男性经验与文本对象的冲突,展现阳具批评的肆意歪曲与非理性特征,从内部达到解构目的。卡勒开扩了女性主义理论的解构主义维度,对于以“如何作为女人来阅读”为核心问题的女性主义批评而言具有方法论意义,但也存在着值得商榷之处。
In On Deconstruction, Jonathan Kahler combs the origin and development of deconstruction, and analyzes the dialogue and integration between deconstruction and other theoretical schools from this perspective, including the discussion of the intertextuality between feminist criticism and de-construction. The complexity of the origin and meaning of deconstruction makes it maintain a vague and ambiguous relationship with feminist criticism. Thus, Kahler reveals the triple deconstruction strategy of feminist criticism on text from the perspective of deconstruction: Seeking from female experience; constructing the rationality and seriousness of female criticism; it reveals the conflict between male experience and text object, shows the willful distortion and irrational characteristics of penis criticism, and achieves the purpose of deconstruction from the inside. Kahler expanded the deconstructive dimension of feminist theory, which has methodological significance for feminist criticism which takes “how to read as a woman” as the core issue, but there are still some points worth discussing. %K 女性主义批评,解构,乔纳森?卡勒,《论解构》
Feminist Criticism %K Deconstruction %K Jonathan Kahler %K On Deconstruction %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78809