%0 Journal Article %T 重大误解中“错误重大性”之认定
The Determination of “Materiality of Error” in Major Misunderstanding %A 徐斌 %J Dispute Settlement %P 136-143 %@ 2379-3104 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DS.2024.101020 %X 自现行法删去“较大损失”的表述后,错误制度有滥用之虞,需要重新审视对“错误重大性”的认定。在我国现行法上,对于“错误重大性”之认定标准,存在规范不足的问题。在传统上的错误二元论体系下,意思表达阶段的“因果关系重大性”标准仅考虑表意人视角,不当保护表意人的利益而忽略相对人利益;意思形成阶段的“交易重大性”标准,不能兼顾双方当事人利益,并不能为“错误重大性”的认定提供实质理由。重大误解制度之适用,应结合合同法定解除的实质理由,在“错误重大性”的认定上纳入相对人的视角,应以相对人对合同有效的合理期待不能实现作为“错误重大性”的判断标准。当且仅当表意人的错误严重影响相对人对合同有效的合理期待,此时构成“错误重大性”,方可适用错误制度,以此实现双方的价值平衡。
Since the deletion of the expression “greater loss” from the current law, there is a risk of abuse of the error system, and there is a need to re-examine the determination of the “materiality of the error”. In current law, there are insufficient norms for the determination of the “materiality of the error”. Under the traditional error dualism system, the “causality materiality” standard of the expression stage only considers the perspective of the expression, improperly protects the interests of the expression and ignores the interests of the opposite party; the “transaction materiality” standard of the meaning formation stage can not take into account the interests of both parties, and can not be used to protect the interests of the opposite party. The criterion of “transaction materiality” at the stage of meaning formation fails to take into account the interests of both parties, and does not provide substantive justification for the determination of “materiality of the mistake”. The application of the system of major misun-derstanding should be combined with the substantive reasons for the statutory termination of the contract, and the determination of “materiality of error” should incorporate the perspective of the relative, and the relative’s reasonable expectation of the validity of the contract should be unfulfilled as the criterion for determining the “materiality of error”. The error system shall be applied when and only when the mistake of the intentionally person seriously affects the relative’s reasonable expectation of the validity of the contract, which constitutes the “materiality of the error”, in order to realize the balance of value between the two parties. %K 错误重大性,错误二元论,相对人视角,合理期待
Materiality of the Error %K Error Dualism %K Relator’s Perspective %K Reasonable Expectations %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78796