%0 Journal Article %T 基于产教融合的中职会计专业课程改革探索
Exploration of Curriculum Reform of Secondary Vocational Accounting Major Based on the Integration of Industry and Education %A 任琴琴 %J Vocational Education %P 98-102 %@ 2160-4401 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/VE.2024.131017 %X 随着社会不断进步,信息化时代的发展,高素质的人才已经成为社会所需,但高素质的职业人才仍存在短缺的问题,这样的问题已经成为了制约着我国现代产业高质量发展的重要因素。针对这一情况,我国推进产教融合,为现代化的发展提供坚实有力的人才保障。当前,中职院校的学生在毕业后进入企业难以适应企业的工作环境,完成工作任务也相对困难,其主要原因就是学生在校期间的课程在内容上相对落后,在实践中不能与企业的实际工作相匹配。所以本文主要研究在产教融合的背景下,阐述中等职业教育会计专业的课程改革的必要性,针对于中职会计专业课程的现状,深入分析存在的问题,提出解决问题的可行性对策。使中职院校培养出的学生能与行业、企业的人才需求实现“无缝衔接”,并能够更好地服务于社会,促进经济的发展。
With the continuous progress of society and the development of information era, the high quality talents have become the needs of society, but the high quality professional talents are still short of problems, such problems have become an important factor restricting the development of modern industry of high quality. In view of this situation, our country pushes forward the in-tegration of production and education, to provide a solid and strong talent guarantee for the development of modernization. At present, it is difficult for students from secondary vocational colleges to adapt to the working environment of enterprises and complete their work tasks after graduation. The main reason is that students’ courses during school are relatively backward in content and cannot match the actual work of enterprises in practice. Therefore, this paper mainly studies the necessity of the curriculum reform of accounting major in secondary vocational education under the background of the integration of industry and education. Based on the current situation of the curriculum of accounting major in secondary vocational education, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the existing problems and proposes feasible counter-measures to solve the problems. So that the students trained by vocational colleges can realize the “seamless connection” with the talent needs of the industry and enterprises, and can better serve the society and promote the development of economy. %K 中职,产教融合,会计专业,课程改革
Secondary Vocational School %K Integration of Industry and Education %K Major in Accounting %K Reform of Curriculum %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78872