%0 Journal Article %T 论国际商事仲裁协议效力之司法认定
Judicial Determination of the Validity of International Commercial Arbitration Agreement %A 张梦姣 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 43-53 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121007 %X 国际商事仲裁协议作为国际商事仲裁活动的开端,其效力直接关系到整个仲裁程序能否顺利进行,关系到仲裁裁决是否能被承认与执行以及纠纷能否得到顺利解决。司法实践中,法院通常从对仲裁协议效力要件审查入手,审查内容包括协议的书面性、仲裁事项、仲裁机构和当事人的意思表示等要件。除此之外,仲裁协议的准据法也是法院在审查过程中关注的对象。当前实践中仍存在一些问题亟待解决,在促进仲裁工作不断发展的前提下,通过尊重当事人意思自治、弱化仲裁机构选定的强制性规定、完善“使其有效”原则,来争取使更多的仲裁协议能够得到认可。
As the beginning of international commercial arbitration, the effectiveness of the international commercial arbitration agreement is directly related to whether the whole arbitration procedure can proceed smoothly, whether the arbitration award can be recognized and enforced, and whether the dispute can be successfully resolved. In judicial practice, the court usually starts with the examination of the validity elements of the arbitration agreement, including the written nature of the agreement, the arbitration matters, the expression of the intention of the arbitration institution and the parties. In addition, the applicable law of the arbitration agreement is also the object of attention of the court in the process of review. At present, there are still some problems to be solved in practice. On the premise of promoting the continuous development of arbitration work, we should respect the autonomy of the parties’ will, weaken the mandatory provisions on the selection of arbitration institutions, and improve the principle of “making it effective”, so that more arbitration agreements can be recognized. %K 国际商事仲裁协议,有效性,司法认定
International Commercial Arbitration Agreement %K Effectiveness %K Judicial Determination %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78858