%0 Journal Article %T 《民法典》时代下我国离婚损害赔偿制度的性质认定与理论重构
The Nature Identification and Theoretical Reconstruction of the Divorce Damage Compensation System in China in the Era of The Civil Code %A 李今成 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 58-68 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121009 %X 对我国《民法典》规定的离婚损害赔偿制度的认识,在学理上有离因损害和离异损害之争,《民法典》出台后该争论仍然存在,有待进一步澄清。对离异损害说进行分析,基于其可赔偿损害范围较小,且会产生规范供给缺失的负面影响,我国离婚损害赔偿制度所指的损害还应属离因损害,而离异损害则可通过财产分割照顾无过错方原则进行救济。在离因说的基础上对离婚损害赔偿制度进行体系解读,该条的损害赔偿范围应仅包括精神损害。“导致离婚”要件具有不合理性,建议删除。
Understanding of the divorce damage compensation system stipulated in The Civil Code of China, there is a dispute between damage resulting from the cause of the divorce and divorce damage. The debate still exists after the promulgation of The Civil Code and needs to be further clarified. On the analysis of the divorce damage theory, based on the small scope of the compensable damage and the negative impact of the lack of standard supply, the damage mentioned in the divorce damage compensation system in China should also belong to the damage resulting from the cause of the divorce, and the divorce damage can be relieved through the principle of property division to take care of the no-fault party. On the basis of this theory, the compensation system of divorce damages is interpreted systematically, the scope of damages in this article should only include mental damage. “Lead to divorce” element is unreasonable, it is suggested to delete. %K 离异损害,性质认定,重构
Divorce Damage %K Nature Determination %K Restructuring %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78862