%0 Journal Article %T 平台经济的反垄断规制研究
Research on Anti-Monopoly Legal Regulations of Platform Economy %A 盛昊 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 69-73 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121010 %X 互联网平台因其纵向一体化的新特征,导致传统的反垄断法很难准确的对平台经济进行规制。因此平台经济的反垄断规制研究应当是从平台纵向一体化的新特征出发,然后确认反垄断规制的价值目标是保障公平竞争而不是效率,再确立平台经济反垄断规制的原则,即谦抑性原则、合作性原则、持续性原则,最后探索出一条主体层面多层次、时间层面全周期的多元化的平台经济反垄断规制方法。
Due to the new characteristics of vertical integration, it is difficult for the traditional anti-monopoly law to accurately regulate the platform economy. Therefore, the research on anti-monopoly regulation of platform economy should start from the new characteristics of vertical integration of plat-forms, then confirm that the value goal of anti-monopoly regulation is to ensure fair competition rather than efficiency, and then establish the principles of anti-monopoly regulation of platform economy, that is, the principle of modesty, cooperation and sustainability, and finally explore a diversified anti-monopoly regulation method of platform economy at multiple levels and time levels. %K 平台经济,反垄断规制,规制价值目标,规制方法
Platform Economy %K Anti-Monopoly Regulation %K Regulate Value Objectives %K Legal Regulation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78864