%0 Journal Article %T 论知识产权滥用的概念认定、行为类型及法律规制
On the Conceptual Recognition, Behavioural Types of Intellectual Property Rights Abuse and Legal Regulation %A 黄宇 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 74-79 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121011 %X 当前知识产权的经济价值越来越高,知识产权滥用现象也日益严重,滥用行为表现形式与时俱进、多种多样,针对知识产权滥用的法律规制却尚未完全跟上。知识产权滥用是指知识产权权利人在依法行使知识产权的范围内不当利用知识产权的违法行为,可以根据行为性质分为普通知识产权滥用行为、不正当竞争的知识产权滥用行为以及垄断的知识产权滥用行为,分别通过知识产权专门法、民法基本原则、反不正当竞争法、反垄断法加以规制。
At present, the economic value of intellectual property rights is getting higher and higher, and the phenomenon of intellectual property rights abuse is getting more and more serious, and the forms of abusive behaviours are changing with the times and are diverse, while the legal regulation of intellectual property rights abuse has not yet fully kept pace with it. Intellectual property rights abuse refers to the illegal behaviour of intellectual property rights holders who improperly use intellectual property rights within the scope of exercising intellectual property rights in accordance with the law, which can be divided into general intellectual property rights abuse, intellectual property rights abuse of unfair competition and intellectual property rights abuse of excluding or restricting competition according to the nature of the behaviour, and regulated respectively by the special law on intellectual property rights, the basic principles of civil law, the law on anti improper competition, the anti-trust law, and the law on the protection of intellectual property rights. %K 知识产权滥用,反不正当竞争,反垄断,法律规制
Intellectual Property Rights Abuse %K Anti Improper Competition %K Anti-Trust Law %K Statutory Regulation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78866