%0 Journal Article %T 央行数字货币加剧国际货币竞争理论浅探
A Study on the Theory of Central Bank Digital Currency Intensifying International Monetary Competition %A 赵瑜 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 80-85 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121012 %X 2022年俄乌冲突之后,美国将美元武器化的行为进一步削弱了其国际信用,去美元浪潮在全球兴起,国际货币体系朝向多极化发展,同时,各国的央行数字货币的研究进程稳步向前。从国际货币竞争的角度分析央行数字货币的出现对货币国际化的影响,得出央行数字货币将加剧未来国际货币竞争和导致货币竞争空间变化的结论,进而在国际法层面探求通过数字人民币推进人民币国际化的路径,例如可以《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)新金融条款作为依托,加强与RCEP成员马来西亚、新加坡、泰国的央行数字货币合作等。
After the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2022, the US weaponization of the US dollar further weakened its international credit. The wave of de US dollar is rising in the world, and the international monetary system is moving towards multipolarity. At the same time, the research process of central bank digital currency in various countries is moving forward steadily. From the perspective of international currency competition, this paper analyzes the impact of the emergence of central bank digital currency on currency internationalization, and concludes that central bank digital currency will in-tensify future international currency competition and lead to changes in currency competition space. Furthermore, at the level of international law, it explores how to promote the internationalization of the RMB through the use of digital RMB in the era of digital currency. For example, the new financial provisions of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) can be used as a basis to strengthen central bank digital currency cooperation with RCEP members Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. %K 央行数字货币,货币国际化,货币竞争,国际法,国家合作
Central Bank Digital Currency %K Internationalization %K Currency Competition %K International Law %K Country Cooperation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78868