%0 Journal Article %T 皮亚斯特王朝波兰共同身份认同形成管窥
Research on the Formation of the Common Identity of “Polanie” in the Piasts %A 靳杜卿 %J Open Journal of Historical Studies %P 15-22 %@ 2331-0359 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJHS.2024.121003 %X 在9、10世纪之交,西里西亚人、小波兰人、大波兰人等部落开始生活在波兰平原上。尽管在语言、宗教信仰方面有若干共性,这些部落未能因此凝聚成一个整体。从梅什科开始,历代王公以大波兰为基地对各部展开征服,形成皮亚斯特王朝对波兰的统治。此后,原本一盘散沙的部落在王朝政治体内开始不自觉形成以“波兰人”(Polanie)为名的政治身份。从10世纪晚期开始,基督教在波兰土地上的影响与日俱增,对“波兰人”的身份建构起到了难以估量的作用。在政治和宗教层面,“波兰人”身份从无到有,其内涵多元复杂。与此同时,“波兰人”身份在历史语境中不断清晰明确,既是与德意志人等“他者”相区别的自称,也是外族冠以的他称。
At the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries, the Slezanie, the Wi?lanie, the Polanie, and other west Slavic tribes began living on the Polish plain. Despite several commonalities in language and religious beliefs, these tribes failed to coalesce as a single entity. From Mieszko onwards, successive princes used Great Poland as the base for conquering the various tribes, resulting in the Piasts rule over Poland. Since then, the tribes, which had been scattered together, began to unconsciously develop a political identity within the dynastic entity of politics under the name of “Polanie”. From the late 10th century onwards, the growing influence of Christianity in Poland played an invaluable role in the construction of the identity of “Polanie”. At both the political and religious levels, the identity of “Polanie” has grown from scratch, and its connotations are diverse and complex. At the same time, the identity of “Polanie” became clearer and clearer in historical contexts, both as a self-designation in distinction from the “other”, especially the Germans, and as a term of otherness for foreigners. %K “波兰人”,皮亚斯特王朝,拉丁基督教,身份认同
“Polanie” %K The Piasts %K Latin Christendom %K Identity %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78873