%0 Journal Article %T 政策执行视角下“双减”政策的深化落实
Deepening the Implementation of the “Double Reduction” Policy from the Perspective of Policy Implementation %A 苏比努尔·哈力木拉提 %J Modern Management %P 70-74 %@ 2160-732X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MM.2024.141011 %X 2021年7月,“双减”政策颁布并在全国开始执行,政策执行的目标是减少基础教育阶段学生的校内作业负担和校外学科类辅导负担,遵循科学的教育规律,让学生回归校园,关注青少年儿童的身体心理状态,让青少年儿童快乐健康的成长。本文以政策执行视角出发,陈述“双减”政策执行的现状;分析“双减”政策执行面临的逆境有政策理解太过片面、政策执行存在阻力、执行监督不够完善等;并从正确解读政策文件、构建良好教育生态、加强政策执行监督几方面阐明如何深化落实“双减”工作。
In July 2021, the “double reduction” policy was promulgated and implemented nationwide. The goal of the policy is to reduce the burden of homework and extracurricular subject tutoring for students in the basic education stage, follow scientific educational laws, let students return to campus, pay attention to the physical and psychological status of adolescents and children, and enable them to grow up happily and healthily. This article starts from the perspective of policy implementation and describes the current situation of the implementation of the “double reduction” policy; the analysis of the challenges faced by the implementation of the “double reduction” policy includes a one-sided understanding of the policy, obstacles in policy implementation, and inadequate supervision of implementation; and explain how to deepen the implementation of the “double reduction” work from the aspects of correctly interpreting policy documents, building a good education ecosystem, and strengthening policy implementation supervision. %K “双减”政策,政策执行,基础教育
The “Double Reduction” Policy %K Policy Implementation %K Basic Education %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78930