%0 Journal Article %T 我国文书提出命令制度研究
The Order of Writ of System of the Document of China %A 李甜甜 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 51-57 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121008 %X 随着现代社会的高速发展,民事案件也随之变得错综复杂,证据偏在情形已成为民事诉讼中不能忽视的问题。为了解决民事诉讼中证据偏在这一难题,文书提出命令制度应运而生。我国于2015年提出了书证提出命令制度,初步确立了我国的文书提出命令制度,并于2019年出台了相应规定对其进行完善补充,但与其他国家和地区相比,我国制度起步较晚,确立的时间较短,我国的文书提出命令制度还存在着主体不健全、规定不细致等问题。本文从文书提出命令制度的源起、我国的立法与司法实践出发,从我国文书提出命令制度的立法体系、主体范围、制裁措施等方面为我国文书提出命令制度提出完善建议。
With the rapid development of modern society, civil cases have become complicated, and evidence bias has become a problem that cannot be ignored in civil proceedings. In order to solve the problem of evidence bias in civil litigation, the system of filing orders came into being. In 2015, China put forward the documentary evidence order system, initially established China’s document order system, and introduced corresponding regulations in 2019 to supplement it, but compared with other countries and regions, our system started late, the establishment of a short time, our document order system still has problems such as imperfect subjects and imperfect provisions. This paper, starting from the origin of the system, our country’s legislation and judicial practice, puts forward some suggestions for the perfection of the system from the aspects of the legislative system, the scope of the subject and the measures of sanctions. %K 书证,证据收集,文书提出命令
Documentary Evidence %K Evidence Collection %K The Order of Writ %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78860