%0 Journal Article %T 网络服务提供商版权过滤义务研究
Research on Copyright Filtering Obligations for Internet Service Providers %A 李静怡 %A 高泉 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 115-119 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121017 %X 随着互联网的发展,网络服务提供商在提供便捷网络服务的同时也面临着版权保护的难题。应对越来越多的版权争议,我国需要一种能够有效遏制侵权内容的版权过滤新机制。如何保护网络版权,推动网络内容良好发展,成为了一个亟待解决的难题。因此,本文通过分析我国现阶段网络服务提供商版权治理的现状与问题,结合国外的相关立法经验,并且通过分析和论证了版权过滤义务产生发展的过程、存在的争议和现实中的主要问题。提出了我国网络服务提供商版权过滤义务的制度构建的建议与网络版权治理的优化措施以及建议。
With the development of the Internet, internet service providers face copyright protection challenges while providing convenient internet services. As more copyright disputes arise, China needs a new copyright filtering mechanism that can effectively deter infringing content. How to protect online copyrights and promote the healthy development of online content has become an urgent issue to be addressed. Therefore, this article analyzes the current situation and problems of copyright governance by internet service providers in China, combines relevant legislative experiences from abroad, and analyzes and demonstrates the process, controversies, and main issues in the development of copyright filtering obligations, proposing suggestions for the establishment of a system for copyright filtering obligations by internet service providers in China, as well as optimization measures and recommendations for online copyright governance. %K 网络服务提供商,版权过滤义务,版权保护,网络治理
Internet Service Providers %K Copyright Filtering Obligations %K Copyright Protection %K Internet Governance %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78943