%0 Journal Article %T 家庭教育促进法视角下离异家庭教育探讨
Discussion on Divorced Family Education from the Perspective of Family Education Promotion Law %A 褚婕 %A 郑礼平 %J Open Journal of Legal Science %P 120-125 %@ 2329-7379 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJLS.2024.121018 %X 《家庭教育促进法》指明了父母作为未成年人的第一监护人,在对未成年人实施家庭教育中占据着主导地位。家庭教育一直在我国备受重视。可近年来,离婚率的攀升使得家庭结构失衡、家庭教育能力失灵,直接影响到未成年子女的利益。而《家庭教育促进法》的落地明确了未成年人家庭教育的法律法规和家庭教育者需要承担的法律责任义务等方面内容,包括离异家庭。同时《家庭教育促进法》中的政府指导和主动干预,是中国特色社会主义中,比较具有鲜明特征的一环。本文通过对单亲父母提供家庭教育指导、社会扶助、政府介入等措施探讨来提升单亲家庭子女的接受家庭教育的权益。
Family Education Promotion Law specifies that parents, as the primary guardians of minors, play a dominant role in the enforcement of child discipline against minors. The child discipline has always been highly valued in our country. However, in recent years, the rising divorce rate makes the family structure imbalance, child discipline failure, directly affecting the interests of minor children. Family Education Promotion Law clarifies the laws and regulations on the child discipline of minors and the legal obligations of family educators, including divorced families. At the same time, Family Education Promotion Law in the government guidance and active intervention, is the Chinese characteristics of socialism, more distinctive features of a link. This article explores measures to enhance the rights and interests of children from single-parent families by providing child discipline guidance, social assistance and government intervention to single-parent child discipline. %K 《家庭教育促进法》,未成年人,单亲,家庭教育
Family Education Promotion Law %K Minor %K Single Parent %K Family Education %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78946