%0 Journal Article %T 利川方言部分基础词汇与普通话词汇的比较
Comparison of Some Basic Vocabulary of Lichuan Dialect with that of Mandarin %A 殷倩 %J Modern Linguistics %P 83-87 %@ 2330-1716 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ML.2024.121012 %X 本文主要将利川方言的部分基本词汇与普通话词汇进行比较,探讨和分析利川方言部分基本词汇和普通话词汇的一致性和差异性。
This paper mainly compares some basic vocabulary of Lichuan dialect with that of Mandarin, and discusses and analyzes the consistency and difference of some basic vocabulary of Lichuan dialect with that of Mandarin. %K 利川方言,基本词汇,比较
Lichuan Dialect %K Basic Vocabulary %K Comparison %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78824