%0 Journal Article %T 刑事实物证据收集提取的正当程序要求
Due Process Requirements for the Collection and Extraction of Criminal Physical Evidence %A 秦照南 %J Dispute Settlement %P 225-230 %@ 2379-3104 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DS.2024.101032 %X 刑事诉讼活动可以限制、剥夺被追诉人的人身权、财产权等基本权利。因此,基于保障人权这一宪法基本理念,应当以正当程序等原则对刑事诉讼的运行加以规制。而实物证据一般直接来源于案件过程,具有较强的证明力,且数量较多,对确定案件事实以及裁判结果具有重要意义,必然要受正当程序原则的约束。但我国现行收集提取实物证据的正当程序规则还存在脱离实际之处,例如本文要讨论的见证人制度。
Criminal suit could limit or even deprive the accused person’s personal rights and property. Based on the constitutional idea “assurance of human rights”, it’s necessary to rule criminal suit by the principle “due process”. Physical evidence which usually comes from cases is really effective and also of great significance to determine the facts of the case and the result of the judgment. The collection and extraction of physical evidence also needs to be restricted by the rule “due process”. But there are still impractical rules in the system of legislation. The paper is focused on the witness institution. %K 实物证据,正当程序,见证人制度
Physical Evidence %K Due Process %K Witness System %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78907