%0 Journal Article
%T 主体性及主体间性思想政治教育中道德观教育面临的现实困境及其成因、对策剖析
Analysis of the Realistic Dilemmas, Causes, and Countermeasures Faced by Moral Education in Ideological and Political Education of Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity
%A 谭贵中
%J Advances in Social Sciences
%P 63-69
%@ 2169-2564
%D 2024
%I Hans Publishing
%R 10.12677/ASS.2024.131009
%X 主体性及主体间性思想政治教育中道德观教育研究极具现实意义。当前主体性及主体间思想政治教育面临着社会主义道德观与主体发生抵牾的问题和道德观教育引导方法上的道德教育引导方法中灌输与自我教育方法的矛盾。透过现象看本质,可以发现其背后深层的原因是:社会主义道德观教育中社会化要求和主体性发挥的冲突、主体性及主体间性思想政治教育中客体的退场和主体的凸显。结合问题及其原因,可以得出相关对策:让主体性与客体性对立统一。具体来说,道德观教育应将人的社会化工作和自由全面发展有机统一,道德观教育引导应将灌输和疏导两种方法辩证统一。
The research on moral education in ideological and political education of subjectivity and inter-subjectivity is of great practical significance. The current subjectivity and inter subjectivity ideo-logical and political education are facing the problem of contradictions between socialist moral concepts and subjectivity, as well as the contradiction between the methods of moral education guidance and the methods of self education. Looking at the essence through the phenomenon, it can be found that the underlying reasons behind it are: the conflict between the socialization re-quirements and the subjectivity of the subject in socialist moral education, the withdrawal of the object and the highlighting of the subject in subjectivity and inter subjectivity ideological and po-litical education. Based on the problem and its causes, relevant countermeasures can be proposed: to unify the opposition between subjectivity and objectivity. Specifically, moral education should organically unify the socialization of human work and the comprehensive development of freedom, and the guidance of moral education should dialectically unify the two methods of indoctrination and persuasion.
%K 道德观教育,现实困境,主体性,主体间性,思想政治教育
Moral Education
%K Realistic Dilemmas
%K Subjectivity
%K Intersubjectivity
%K Ideological and Political Education
%U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78961