%0 Journal Article %T 工业类小微企业一站式服务平台建设的对策研究
Research on Strategies for Building a One Stop Service Platform for Industrial Small and Micro Enterprises %A 任泽彤 %A 李红艳 %A 杨创豪 %A 王巾洁 %J Service Science and Management %P 61-69 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SSEM.2024.131009 %X 以一站式服务平台为研究对象,以工业类小微企业作为平台的服务主体,采用线上问卷调查的方式,本文探讨了工业类小微企业一站式服务平台建设的对策。通过问卷调研的结果对工业类小微企业高质量发展进行了SWOT分析,接着结合SWOT分析的结果针对一站式服务平台的建设提供了对策与建议。为助力工业类小微企业高质量发展,一站式服务平台的建设和发展需要合理整合资源、构建多元化服务模式、构建多层次服务体系。
Taking the one-stop service platform as the research object and industrial small and micro enterprises as the service subjects of the platform, this article explores the countermeasures for the construction of one-stop service platform for industrial small and micro enterprises through online questionnaire surveys. A SWOT analysis was conducted on the high-quality development of industrial small and micro enterprises based on the results of a questionnaire survey. Then, combined with the results of the SWOT analysis, countermeasures and suggestions were provided for the construction of a one-stop service platform. To support the high-quality development of industrial small and micro enterprises, the construction and development of a one-stop service platform re-quire the rational integration of resources, the construction of diversified service models, and the construction of a multi-level service system. %K 一站式服务,工业,小微企业,高质量发展
One-Stop Service %K Industry %K Small and Micro Enterprises %K High Quality Development %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78888