%0 Journal Article %T 面向企业数据中台的数据质量监控技术研究
Research on Data Quality Monitoring Technology for Enterprise Data Center %A 郑子怡 %A 杨静 %J Service Science and Management %P 76-80 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SSEM.2024.131011 %X 由于上市公司数据量的飞速增长,数据质量问题逐渐成为各企业所面临的重大挑战。隐含的数据质量问题会导致数据处理分析结果的不准确、决策误判等诸多关键问题。企业数据中台的数据统计是企业进行管理决策的重要基础,提升数据的使用价值,对企业的日常经营、精准营销、管理决策、风险管理等领域发挥积极有效作用。本项目对企业中台数据质量监控技术展开深入研究、进一步提高企业的数据质量、促使企业信息化管理工作节约成本、提高企业行使权力效率有着重要的理论及现实意义。
Due to the rapid growth of data volume of listed companies, data quality has gradually become a major challenge faced by enterprises. Implicit data quality problems can lead to many key problems such as inaccurate data processing and analysis results and misjudgment of decision making. Data statistics in the enterprise data center is an important basis for enterprises to make management decisions, improve the use value of data, and play a positive and effective role in the daily operation of enterprises, precision marketing, management decision-making, risk management and other fields. This project has important theoretical and practical significance to carry out in-depth research on the data quality monitoring technology of the enterprise middle desk, further improve the data quality of the enterprise, promote the enterprise information management to save costs, and improve the efficiency of the enterprise to exercise power. %K 数据中台,大数据,数据监控平台,数据清洗
Data Center %K Big Data %K Data Monitoring Platform %K Data Cleaning %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=78892