%0 Journal Article %T 社交电商研究现状及趋势——基于CiteSpace的文献计量分析
Status and Trends of Social E-Commerce Re-search—A CiteSpace-Based Bibliometric Analysis %A 王楠 %J Finance %P 77-83 %@ 2161-0975 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/FIN.2024.141011 %X 社交媒体和新兴技术的发展,推动了商业模式从以市场为中心向以用户为中心的转变,助力了传统电子商务向社交电子商务的演进。为了解社交电商的研究现状,本文采用文献计量法,利用CiteSpace文献分析工具和中国工程科技知识中心开发的战略咨询智能支持系统,采集Web of Science数据库中2019~2023年有关社交电商的核心文献进行可视化分析与研究。研究结果表明,近五年社交电商领域的文献数量呈现逐渐上升的趋势;研究热点主题分别为社交电商用户行为研究、社交电商的商业模式研究、数据驱动的社交网络分析研究。最后提出了社交电商的未来研究趋势,为从事社交电子商务研究的学者提供相关的参考和借鉴。
The development of social media and emerging technologies has promoted the transformation of business models from market-centered to user-centered, fueling the evolution of traditional e-commerce to social e-commerce. In order to understand the current research status of social e-commerce, this paper adopts the bibliometric method to collect the core literature about social e-commerce in the Web of Science database from 2019~2023 for visual analysis and research, using the CiteSpace literature analysis tool and the Strategic Consulting Intelligent Support System de-veloped by the China Knowledge Center for Engineering Science and Technology. The results show that the number of literature in the field of social e-commerce has shown a gradual increase in the past five years; the hot topics of research are social e-commerce user behavior research, social e-commerce business model research, and data-driven social network analysis research. Finally, the future research trends of social e-commerce are proposed to provide relevant references and lessons for scholars engaged in social e-commerce research. %K 社交电商,CiteSpace,Web of Science,研究趋势
Social E-Commerce %K CiteSpace %K Web of Science %K Research Trends %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=79028